SDG&E Community Tree Rebate
Program for Residential Customers
Your participation in this program helps our communities by supporting local biodiversity, improving air quality, and sequestering carbon.
The Community Tree Rebate Program is now closed and will not be available in 2025.
About the Program
The SDG&E Community Tree Rebate Program for Residential Customers enables qualifying residential customers throughout the region to plant trees to help provide direct environmental, health, and economic benefits. This program is designed for customers in parts of SDG&E’s service territory where trees may be needed to help make a positive impact in their community.
How It Works
Qualifying SDG&E customers can receive a $25 rebate for planting or potting a 1-gallon tree, $35 rebate for a 5-gallon tree and a $50 rebate for a 15-gallon tree. Customers can apply for up to five (5) rebates annually. Customers do not need a yard to qualify, as trees can be planted in large containers on outdoor balconies or patio areas.
Additional Planting Resources
Find out if you qualify for the program
Type in your zip code here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Residential customers who reside in SDG&E’s service territory that have been identified as having low urban tree canopy or live in communities where planting trees could provide associated environmental and health benefits. To identify qualifying zip codes, SDG&E utilized publicly available resources that included local equity considerations, state guidelines on marginalized communities, and nationally recognized tree equity score criteria.
The SDG&E Community Tree Rebate Program offers rebates to qualifying customers who want to plant eligible trees at their home. SDG&E is issuing a rebate to provide qualifying residential customers with more choice in what type of tree they would like for their home and flexibility in where they would like to make their purchase.
Yes! Qualifying customers are eligible for up to five trees per calendar year. Limit two fruit trees per customer. Multiple applications are allowed if you purchase trees at different times. However, we recommend including all eligible trees on one application, if possible, so that your rebate will process faster. All trees must be planted or potted by Nov. 15, 2024, and applications must be submitted through the rebate portal by Nov. 30, 2024.
Eligible tree and plant species can be found at nurseries throughout SDG&E’s territory. View the eligibility list. Please contact your local nursery to determine if they have the plant you are looking for. Eligible species have been carefully selected so they meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Native to our region
- Drought tolerant
- included in SDG&E’s Right Tree Right Place Program
Submit documentation through our tree rebate portal once all eligible trees have been planted. Rebates are valid for eligible trees that come in 1-, 5- and 15-gallon sizes.
A photo of each eligible tree showing it has been planted is required. Also, an itemized receipt is preferred. If an itemized receipt is not available, please provide the available receipt and a photo of the tree tag for each corresponding tree with the application.
Rebates are valid for eligible tree and plant species that come in 1-, 5- and 15-gallon sizes.
Once your application has been approved, please allow up to two weeks for your check to arrive. Please note that if you are contacted to provide information that was missing on your application, your processing time may be longer.
Trees are available based on local nursery stock. SDG&E cannot guarantee species availability. Please see the program's terms and conditions for more details.
Yes. SDG&E provides many tips to ensure you are safely planting the right tree in the right place. You can access these tips by visiting Please also remember to call to check on underground gas and power lines before you dig.
The SDG&E Community Tree Rebate Program is set to end on Nov. 15, 2024, or when funds have been depleted (whichever comes first). Program may be extended in future years, based on results and customer interest.
Protect your safety and avoid costly repairs - call 811 - a free service, first
Natural gas pipelines or other underground utilities can be buried anywhere. Before you start any digging project, call 811 or submit a ticket to DigAlert.
Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place
Get tips for finding the right tree and how to plant it safely and sustainably with SDG&E’s Tree Planting Guide.
San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council
There are many other efforts to support the local tree canopy here in the region including the San Diego Regional Urban Forests Council.